Rules of Conduct





The New York State Fair (the “Fair”) aims to provide New Yorkers with the greatest opportunity to enjoy events year-round at the New York State Fairgrounds. The Fair has a strong interest in:

(1) Ensuring the orderly movement of visitors,

(2) Access of its visitors to the events, programs, exhibits and attractions held at the Fairgrounds; and

(3) Providing a safe and secure venue.

Accordingly, it is the policy of the Fair to ensure that visitors to the Fairgrounds abide by the established Rules of Conduct (Statutory authority: Agriculture and Markets Law, §§ 16, 18, 287.)

The term “Fairgrounds” includes all of the area inside the fenced portion of the grounds, the areas outside the fence to State Fair Boulevard and Bridge Street, and all pedestrian bridges and parking lots owned and controlled by the Fair.



All entrances may utilize "Bag Check Areas" for guests, and some or all guests and/or vendors may be subject to manual scanning with the use of a metal detector wand or other similar device. The New York State Fairgrounds does not offer a Claim Check area nor Storage Lockers.



Weapons of any kind, including but not limited to firearms, whether registered or unregistered, machine guns, rifles, shotguns, antique firearms, black powder rifles, black powder shotguns, or any muzzle-loading firearms, and/or other weapons including but not limited to any variety of knife, electronic dart gun, electronic stun gun, cane sword, club, billy, blackjack, bludgeon, plastic knuckles, metal knuckles, chukka stick, sand bag, sandclub, wrist-brace type slingshot or slungshot, shuriken or "Kung Fu star", razor, imitation pistol, or any other dangerous or deadly instrument or weapon (or an imitation thereof that could be reasonably mistaken for a deadly instrument or weapon) are prohibited from the Fairgrounds, except for those weapons authorized to be carried by law enforcement personnel and Peace Officers and those weapons on display in a Fair exhibit by authorized branches of the U.S. Military, Reserves, and National Guard, provided that the weapons are unloaded, in a safe condition, and appropriately secured while displayed.

EXCEPTION: Visitors attending organized Gun Shows at the Fairgrounds may possess firearms in an unloaded and safe condition provided that those firearms are items intended to be purchased, sold or traded at the Gun Show.



The following items are also prohibited while on the Fairgrounds: Alcoholic Beverages not purchased on-site, pepper spray, chemical mace, and any other similar personal defense items, Drones or Quad-copters, Selfie Sticks, Signs, Placards, Roller Blades, Roller Skates, Skate Boards, two-wheeled power or self-propelled recreational scooters other than power mobility scooters used by persons with limited mobility, Segways unless employed as a mobility device to accommodate a person with a disability, Hover Boards, and Bicycles or any other similar items.

Bags, backpacks, coolers, purses, and fanny packs are permitted but are subject to search upon entry to the New York State Fairgrounds.

EXCEPTION: Under the discretion of the Fair Director or his/her designee, Drones or Quad-copters may be permitted for specific events with prior written approval. Other items listed may be permitted for special promotions/events but only with prior written approval.



Pets, excluding Service Animals, are not allowed on the Fairgrounds.



Visitors must wear shirts and footwear at all times.



No Visitor or Vendor shall engage in conduct that impedes or obstructs the free flow and movement of other Visitors.

No Visitor shall engage in conduct that obstructs, interrupts, or otherwise interferes with the events, programs, exhibits, and attractions held at the Fairgrounds.

Upon the direction of any Fair employee or Peace Officer, a visitor shall immediately cease and desist from engaging in any such conduct. Should a visitor fail to cease and desist from engaging in any conduct proscribed in this section, the visitor’s ticket of admission (when required) shall be subject to cancellation and revocation without refund, and the visitor will be subject to removal from the Fairgrounds. Failure to comply with removal from the Fairgrounds, or re-entry, or attempted re-entry to the Fairgrounds, may result in arrest for Trespass or Criminal Trespass 3rd Degree.

Visitors engaged in unlawful conduct are subject to arrest and removal from the Fairgrounds.

Visitors without tickets of admission (when required) will be subject to removal from the Fairgrounds.



Pursuant to Title 1, Chapter VIII, Section 369.1 of the Codes, Rules, and Regulations of the State of New York, no person, partnership, corporation, or other entity shall sell or offer for sale any article or service, solicit funds or distribute or display handbills, cards or advertisements of any nature, or engage in any business or commercial activity of any nature on or within the limits of the New York State Fairgrounds, unless licensed by the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets, Division of the State Fair, to do so. Application for such license shall be made to the Director of the Division of the State Fair, Syracuse, New York. (Licensing and license revocation procedures are set forth in Sections 369.2 and 369.3.) This includes any unlicensed vendors and performers who attempt to set up or perform outside the gates of the Fairgrounds, on State property, at any time of the day or night.

Section 369.4 requires that prior to the issuance of a solicitor’s license, every applicant for such a license shall enter into a lease for a designated space on the Fairgrounds. The terms of the lease limit the lessee’s license to solicit to that designated space and set forth the standards for operation within that space.

Other than the solicitation permitted under Section 369, there shall be no leafleting or distribution of handbills, cards, or advertisements of any kind whatsoever.



While on the Fairgrounds or within 1,500 feet of State Fair property, no person shall offer to resell, resell, or solicit the resale of any ticket for entry to the Fairgrounds or for any event or amusement at the Fairgrounds. Any person engaged in such activities will be directed to cease and desist; and failure to do so may result in removal from Fair property and/or possible arrest.



It is the policy of the Fair to allow free speech activities whenever said activity is not inconsistent with the normal operations or activities occurring on the Fairgrounds. However, in keeping with the Fair’s strong interest in: (1) ensuring the orderly movement of visitors, (2) access of its visitors to the events, programs, exhibits, and attractions held at the Fairgrounds; and (3) providing a safe and secure venue, it is necessary to balance the interests of those engaged in free speech activities with concerns regarding the safety of visitors by avoiding confrontation, congestion, or accidents which could lead to injury. Therefore, free speech activities, to include demonstrations, protests, proselytizing, sign carrying, and/or similar activities are permitted only in designated free speech areas near certain entrances of the Fairgrounds as shown on Map 1, and are not allowed within the fenced-in areas of the Fairgrounds.

To facilitate the Fair’s ability to provide ample space where individuals or groups can communicate with Fairgoers, individuals or groups intending to engage in free speech activities, to include demonstrations, protests, proselytizing, sign carrying, and/or other similar activities must first be granted a Public Assembly Permit before engaging in free speech activities. To apply online for a Public Assembly Permit, please click here. Among other things, in your application for a Public Assembly Permit, you will be asked to provide the following information: (1) the date of the planned activity; (2) the anticipated start and finish time; (3) the nature of the planned activity; (4) the expected number of participants with an estimate of the estimated maximum and minimum number of participants; and (5) a designated contact person, who will be on-site, including a contact number for said person. If the proposed activity complies with the Rules of Conduct, the Fair Administration will grant you a Public Assembly Permit and a suitable location for the activity will be provided, per the discretion of the Fair Director or his/her designee, at one of the free speech areas illustrated on Map 1.

Free speech activities occurring within the free speech areas must not impede the free flow or movement of other Fairgoers and/or obstruct, interrupt, obscure, or otherwise interfere with events, programs, exhibits and attractions held at the Fairgrounds. If such activities are found to impede the free flow or movement of other visitors and/or obstruct, interrupt, obscure, or otherwise interfere with such events, programs, exhibits and attractions, and, following notice, the conduct is not promptly addressed and the problems eliminated, then the authorized use of the free speech area will be revoked and the participants will be ordered to disperse.

While engaging in free speech activities occurring within the free speech areas, individuals or groups may not hang signs, banners, or similar items from or on any buildings, fences, signs, trees, shrubs, etc., owned and controlled by the Fair. Any signs, banners, or similar items held or carried while engaged in free speech activities must not be so large and unwieldy as to impede the free flow or movement of other Fairgoers and/or obstruct, interrupt, obscure, or otherwise interfere with events, programs, exhibits and attractions held at the Fairgrounds.

While engaging in free speech activities occurring within the free speech areas, individuals or groups may not use a sound device, including but not limited to a bullhorn or other sound amplifying device, electronic or otherwise. Such individuals or groups shall not engage in loud, rude, or unreasonable behavior; make threatening comments, actions, or gestures toward others; commit any act that is a violation of a criminal law; or participate in any behavior or activity that, in the opinion of the Director or his/her designee, may affect the safety or well-being of any other person.

Should the violator(s) of the Rules of Conduct refuse to cease their activities, Security staff will direct the violator(s) to leave the Fairgrounds, or in the case of free speech activities, if the activity can be reasonably accommodated, to move to the designated free speech areas (See Map 1); and will escort the individual(s) to the nearest gate. If the activity is occurring outside the Gates and/or in the free speech areas, the individuals should be directed to disperse. Failure to disperse as directed may result in arrest for Disorderly Conduct, Trespass, or Criminal Trespass as appropriate.



Federal immigration authorities must identify themselves at the State Fair Administration Building, provide identification and produce a judicial warrant prior to executing a civil arrest or conducting any related civil enforcement activity.

Federal immigration authorities observed engaging in civil immigration enforcement activities on the Fairgrounds who have not: (1) identified themselves to a designated State official at the State Fair Administration Building; (2) provided notice of their intent to engage in civil enforcement activities; and (3) presented a judicial warrant authorizing them to conduct such activities, will be requested to immediately cease the activity, provide identification, and produce a judicial warrant. Any individual presenting as a federal immigration authority and engaging in civil immigration enforcement activities on the Fairgrounds who refuses or is unable to comply with the identification, notice, and/or warrant presentation requirements, will be deemed a trespasser and the New York State Police will be notified.

Anyone having questions regarding this policy should contact the State Fair's Emergency Management Office at